News and Views 2024 - 2025
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particularly changes to Events affected by extreme weather
If you have been out and about with your camping friends and would like to tell everyone where you were, what you did and how much you enjoyed the experience, why not take a couple of photos and write a short note? Simply send it, attached to an email, to <> and your story could be here too…
A Surprise Presentation at the SER Dinner and Dance at Eastbourne
The SER Annual Dinner Dance took place over the weekend of 19th - 22nd January and was very well attended by Club Members, their families and friends from all over our Region. It was especially nice to see David Barrett, SER President with his wife Julie at the event. David gave us all a great shock when he was taken into hospital with a relapse of his heart condition, back in October 2023. It was touch and go on a number of occasions following that episode, however remedial surgery sorted things out and he was then fit enough to come to Eastbourne for the Dinner and Dance this year.
The event overall ran as smooth as ever for all our guests, who thoroughly enjoying the whole experience. This year’s Dinner Dance, unlike previous years, didn’t feature Invited Guests, with Club Presentations. However a very well kept secret ensured we still had the pleasure of watching one of the guests being surprised by a milestone Birthday presentation.
Both Jane Read, Club Vice-Chairperson and Steve Harris, Club Honorary Treasurer, volunteered to spring a “This is your Life” style presentation on Jenny Turner, a long serving member of the Motor Caravan Section. (See picture on left) Jenny celebrated her 80th birthday during the weekend and the Presentation included a citation of her voluntary work with the MCS.
The citation:-
Jenny with her partner Paul first camped with Kent Group of the Southern Area MCS in 2011 and before long they made many friends and were always there with a friendly smile.
The first Celebration event that Jenny & Paul attended was the presentation of the
Section Certificate of Honour to Pam & Allan Culver. Jenny with her ready smile and
willing hands joined in with the catering. Jenny & Paul stewarded meets and met
members with a warm welcome and Jenny could always be relied up when we were
doing Tea Parties to bake a cake and is well known for her catering. Kent Group then went into Southern Area and Jenny joined the Committee and is always available to bake a cake or make a soup or help to steward at weekend and holiday meets.
The Southern Area MCS presented Jenny with this Rhyme from our Poet Bob Still and a lovely bunch of flowers.
Jenny Jenny , whose talents are many
We hope you like these flowers
In Celebration of reaching your 80th year
And spending much of that time with folk
Such as us who have enjoyed your company
Camping with The Camping & Caravanning Club
So you Campers open the ‘Champers’ in a toast
To the Lady with the most !
Happy Birthday Jenny
This year’s musical entertainment, that followed dinner, was provided by a very talented band “Turnstyle” and they took no time at all to fill the dance floor. During the interval the much anticipated Raffle was drawn. The prizes included a whole range of gifts, some donated by local Traders and many from D As and Sections, together with individual donations from members.
Dancing continued till after midnight when we all finally waved the white flag and back headed upstairs for the night.
The weekend weather was kind to us and most took the opportunity to explore the seafront and/or wander into town for a little shopping.
< Click here to view the Picture Gallery >
Date for your Diary:- The Cumberland Hotel has been provisionally booked for the weekend of 24th - 27th January 2025
(One week later that this year - but awaiting confirmation)
Jenny and Dave Croney
Its with sad regret we pass on the news that Teresa (Terri) Glynn passed away Thursday 6th June, in her caravan at Appledore Camp site, her happy place. Terri was 79, she and Tony were long standing members of the Camping and Caravanning Club and active members of East Kent DA., Also serving on the Committee with Trevor (Chairman) and Doreen Pillbeam back in the day. They stewarded abroad for the Club for many years and were away for months at a time at Christmas in Spain and Portugal. A memorial service was held at Hawking Crematorium on 3rd July. Condolences to Tony’s family and friends.
Patricia (Pat) Knight sadly passed away on 16th February this year, at the age of 83. Pat’s family requested all donations were to be made in support of Macmillan and Alzheimers Societies.
Pat supported her husband Rex as Social Secretary to the SE Region for many years, up to 2004.
Pat also ably supported Rex as he continued to represent the Boating Group on the Region Council for many years to around 2010. Rex was also an elected Regional Councilor until Pat and Rex moved away to the west country for their retirement in 2016.
Our thoughts and prayers got out to Rex and his family at this sad time.
It’s with great sadness we announce the passing of Wally Garner, who died Monday 25th November.
Wally was long standing member of the British Caravan Club (BCC) and member of the Camping and Caravanning Club. Wally was a past Chairman of the Camping Club. He was a Vice President of the Club and of the South Eastern Region, positions he held at his passing.
Wally continued his active association with the South Eastern Region as appointed representative of the Kent Area BCC. He only stopped attending the Regional Council Meetings a couple of years ago when failing eyesight prevented him from driving. Wally will be remembered for being a ‘font of all knowledge’ regarding Club affairs and his great diplomacy, with a unique ability to quell even the most heated of debates at Council Meetings. Wally’s family have asked that no flowers are sent but instead request donations are made, in his memory, to Dementia UK. The funeral service is to be held at South Essex Crematorium, Oakenden Road, Upminster RM14 2UY on Monday 16th December at 1.30pm.
Condolences go to Wally’s family and friends.
To donate to Dementia UK please follow this link:
It’s with great sadness we announce the passing of Cpt. David Barrett, who died Sunday 2nd February. David finally succumbed to the Cardio-Vascular problems he had suffered in recent years. David was Pesident of the South Easten Region and Vice-President of the Camping and Caravanning Club. His was very much involved with the Club and held Officers posts including Chairman of the Club. At Regional level he served as Chairman and Treasurer and was regularly on the National Feast of Lanterns Committies, each time our Region hosted this National Event. David’s funeral was held at Medway Crematorium, Bluebell Hill, Chatham on 12th March 2025. David had many talents and even more friends. He was on the Chatham Football Club Supporters Club Committee and fittingly, his wake was held in the Club house. He could play a number of musical instruments including the Piano, Banjo, Accordion, drums and Ukulele. His career as a Master Seaman (Captain) took him all over the world but he eventually settled down and married Julie back in the UK. Our condolences go to his wife Julie and family. His wit and good humor will be missed by all who had the good fortune to know him.